Jumat, 15 Juni 2018

How to lose your weight 4 kilo's in 1,5 month

Hello my friend, today i want to tell you a story about how to lose your weight 4 kilo's in 1,5 month. It's all about the mind leverage, how the power of mind can make the impossible to possible. The first week i just run every evening in city park in my town, after i run i always feel good about my body, so i repeat run every evening every day. After one week i was tell by some expert diet intructor who doing some exercise with her aprentice in the city park. He tell me after you run you must don't eat some food, because he a herbalite intructor, he want me to join his team. But for me i more enjoy to do with my own way how to lose my weight, so i reject the offer and absorb the knowledge about not eat after the exercise.

In next week i do same thing with the evening run, but now i not eat after that and beside that i do some exercise to in fitness centre three time a week or two day once. Some time i feel tired and want to give up, but i choose to go ahead and just do it. After a mont my body feel lighter because i lose more less 2 kilo's. But after my body succes to adaptation the pattern of exercise and eat, my weight lose even faster than before, now i lose two kilo's just in two week.

But now my body be in the limit beetween i going to sick or i survive. So i decide to rest my body two day in yesterday and two day ago and i thing that is right decision because today my body feel so full energy. So i wake up in the morning and go to gym, lift 40 kilo's of benchpress and do some another exercise and in the evening i run in Bhuana Patra sport centre, i run about 3 round and 5 time walking.

And now i want to continue my way of diet, just still need to lose 4 kilo's and my body will be in ideal weight. So wish me luck.

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